Shark Watch aims to help prevent the extinction of these magnificent, ancient creatures by increasing the protection they receive, including reducing the impacts on them, and by contributing to our very limited knowledge of them. This will be achieved through:
• encouraging and supporting users of the marine environment to report sightings of sharks and rays. This will involve establishing a sightings register, developing identification sheets and promoting the program through local and regional networks and media;
• increasing community awareness and understanding of sharks and rays, the threats they face and the actions needed to reduce those threats.
Activities will include establishing a website providing information sheets and links to other relevant sites, a newsletter, workshops and media articles;
• supporting community involvement in actions to provide protection for threatened shark and ray species, including listing under Commonwealth and State legislation and providing input to relevant government planning and policy development and review processes; and
• encouraging and supporting increased co-operation and coordination between conservation,
research, industry and government organisations involved in conserving and managing sharks and rays.
You can help Shark Watch achieve its aims by reporting sightings of the sharks and rays listed above, taking on the role of a local contact person for sightings reports in your area and/or volunteering as a project assistant doing research, preparing community education materials or undertaking general office tasks. For more information, or to get involved in Shark Watch, please contact Chris Ball at or at the Conservation Council of SA on 8223