Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hawaii has now banned shark fins by the passing of a bill prohibiting the possession, sale, trade or distribution of shark fins. It is hoped that the new law will help to protect sharks from becoming extinct due to overfishing. Hawaii is the first US state to ban shark fins. (This was reported in the May 30th issue of the Sunday Mail, the newspaper which is yet to formally recognise the threat of shark finning (following its 2-page spread on April 18th about a local restaurant selling a seafood soup of which shark fin was a main ingredient. We asked the Sunday Mail to do a feature article about shark finning but the Mail news desk indicated that they are more than happy to run a follow up article, however, the article needs to be primarily based on something reportable, i.e. an event, screening, protest, etc. . I have now implored the Mail to run a feature on the threat of shark finning. Visit for more details.)