Monday, January 3, 2011

White Shark Projects, Gansbaai, South Africa

Great White Shark (courtesy of Andy Stephney, White Shark Projects)

Andy Stephney is currently working for White Shark Projects, at Gansbaai, South Africa. He says that “8 companies here operate great white shark tours to Dyer Island (approx 30 mins. boat ride to dive site). Here we can see, on average, 4 to 5 individual great whites approach the boat. Our best months are the winter months – May, June, July & August). Sharks at this time are an average 2 to 3 metres, sometimes lucky to see 4 metre (ones). The sharks that we see are still young sharks, and I believe, due to the sizes of sharks and light bite marks from other sharks near gills or fins, that the great whites mate and give birth here. Once the sharks of a few years mature, then they migrate from our area, with only a handful returning over the coming years (see Nicole The Great White Shark SA web site at I also believe the great whites are caught by fisherman (trawler nets, etc..). Instead of bringing in bodies of sharks for research, they cut off fins and remove teeth for the black markets, namely Asia (for shark fin soup) and dump the carcass. Here are some face book pages (and websites) for update photos: –

White Shark Projects Cage Dive Fans -

Marine Dynamics -

Dyer Island Cruises -

Sharkdiving Unlimited Gansbaai -

Apex Shark Expeditions -

The lists are updated (with great photos) on a daily basis.”

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